By: Kevin Adriel
The Chair is a group of people that are given the responsibility to ensure that conferences operate smoothly. They also take the responsibility for seeing that the Committee produces a result/solution that is feasible to either all or the vast majority of delegates. The criteria that is included in the activities of the Chair include conducting the debate, running a software, judging delegates during conferences before selection of awardees and providing them feedback.
The Chair is usually composed of two to three people which are the director and either one or two co-directors.
The Director
The director is basically the man in charge, the one who acts as a representative of the entire committee and their actions must be acted accordingly. Likewise, The Chair reflects an exceptional understanding of the desires of delegations. The director has the responsibility of guiding the delegates throughout the conference through the use of procedures.
Beside the Director are his trusty acquaintances, the co-director(s). There can be either one or two co-directors according to the needs of the Director. The Co-director provide aid to the Director by running a software that is usually used to keep track of the delegates, such as attendance and proposed motions.
In addition, there are several things that make up the criteria of a good chair. He/She should be able to have awareness. A lot of discussions takes place in the moderated caucus as well as in the unmoderated caucus in which more discussions take place due to the privilege of walking around the room and engaging in conversations. During such times, there is an opportunity to judge the engagement and contributions of delegates which will be useful for feedback later on. As part of the Chair, he/she must be unbiased as different delegates have different styles and they may be perceived as uncomfortable or annoying. In response, instead of discriminating, the Chair may help guiding the delegates in showing how things are done with the consideration of others who might have a style that is unique and rather effective. After all, no one deserves to be discriminated.
During the conference, the chair is advised to take notes or a short summary to sum up the entire day as memory alone may not be effective. He/she should also walk around and listen to the small group conversations that happen every unmoderated caucus. Encouragement is also beneficial especially to delegates that are still new to MUN conferences, the quiet ones and inactive ones.
Towards the end of the MUN event, Awards are given out. Awardees are chosen based on the given criteria. The criteria may include quality of speech, knowledge of topic, contribution, engagement and importantly the influence of their speeches. Position papers, Working papers and Draft resolutions are also considered during awarding. Feedback may be given to delegates as they may be useful in the future to aid them in future MUN conferences.


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