Despite your opinion on her music, you can’t deny that she is talented and knows how to control her presence in the public eye. Idol to many and inspiration to even more, the question of who Beyonce looks up to still remains a mystery!
This is how MUN is supposed to work for the UN as well. In short, my thesis is that MUN should be acting as a platform of excellence and motivation for improvement to the real UN. Let me elaborate on this potentially controversial opinion; We know that educational simulations existed from the League of Nations time and when the UN was founded, simulations continued in an attempt to familiarize civil society with the purpose of the organization. As the years passed by though, the procedure followed in conferences differentiated significantly from the one followed at UN organs, leading to a huge gap between what I call the muniverse and actual institution. In the muniverse, impossible is nothing whereas the real thing has a lot of restrictions. Recently, the discussion has been going around bringing simulations closer to the current UN proceedings by undergoing several major changes in Rules of Procedure and logistics mainly. Unfortunately, as many UN-related stories can tell us authenticity is not always effective, therefore if the current way MUNs work is strengthened and negative elements are cleared out, I really believe that simulations can be a model of excellence for the UN as well. MUN needs no fancy venue and high profiled associations, it’s all about the passion of innovation and the love to work on a global scale.
I may be romantic, and I definitely sound as such but the current generation of MUNers will be called to either drop its revolutionary character and get compromised to the status quo of things or will find the way to make the UN great again!
Anyways, that’s my opinion only- I’m Alexia from Greece and I would appreciate your opinion on the topic!