by Marina coronado
MUN might be all about public-speaking, creating resolutions, and debating over huge global issues. However, the skill of approaching people is a huge factor in the MUN world, from making allies to making good strong blocs. Approaching people might seem something really hard to do (specially for us that are shy), but we all start somewhere and it is about time that we get out of our comfort zone and be the leaders.
Here are some tips:
Be genuine
There are many delegates out there which are looking to be your allies for all the wrong reasons. Maybe they want to mislead you, bring down your performance or steal your ideas. Be aware of those people. However, when it comes to you, be genuine. Really show them why you want to work with them and this will get you on their right side.
Be honest
You and your allies need to have great communication. Make sure you are sending notes to each other and updating each partner on new issues or any new information. When both of you are in the same page, you will be able to work together better.
Show your knowledge
Do not brag, but show them what kind of delegate you are! This is very important, show them all your knowledge and give them reasons for which they would love to work with you. If you show them that you are in control of the situation and are knowledgeable in your country and topic, they will be more than happy to work with you.
They are people like you
Remember they are delegates just like you, possibly your age. Treat them like people and remember that no one is superior. You are all trying to work together for a solution. As long as you try to stay away from the “MUN hierarchy” everything will be okay.
Work as a team
Sometimes, you can find competition within the blocs. Make sure that you guys are working together towards the same goals and have similar views. Always try to address most positions, it might be hard, but it is the only way to make a strong team. There can always be those delegates which are using you to enhance their performance and all they are doing is trying to get an award. Yes, awards are incredible! But there’s more to MUN than just that. Work together, but at the same time highlight your skills and work.
By: Marina Coronado
Instagram: @marinacooronado