by khadija husain
We all know that there are a few things that one needs to master in order to shine and even win a best delegate award at MUN, and one of those things is delivering speeches. There are a few key elements that will help you master public speaking, starting off with a few simple rules that imply to any speech.
You must give hand gestures, this shows the audience how committed you are to your point. It also captures the audience’s attention. You should also make sure to moderate your voice at times to help emphasize your point. You can always use a quote, it is advisable to use a quote from someone everyone knows, like Barack Obama, Malala Yousafzai and other personalities. Let’s say you have decided on a quote, now where do you apply it? This quote can be the hook of your speech, the point that will keep the audience interested. You can start your speech by the quote and then continue with what you have prepared, you may also use it again to recapture your audience when you feel like they are losing interest. And you can always end strong with the same quote to prove your point. No speech is complete without facts, evidence and statistics to really blow the audience away.
It can benefit you greatly to involve your audience, how do you do that? Well, you can eliminate the word “I” and use “you” and “us” instead, this is the best way to make sure that you really connect with your audience. Another great way to connect with your audience is by asking them to imagine, by doing so you will build interest. Let’s hypothesize that your topic is “children and civilians in armed conflicts”, how do you start the talk? You could say “I request all of you to close your eyes, now imagine a world where peace surrounds us all, where little children go out to play and enjoy, where the citizens don’t worry about sudden bomb attacks and shootings”. This will touch the audience and make your point known.
It is important to make a good impression and win over the hearts of you audience and with these few points you are bound to do so, but most of all; have fun and enjoy. Best of luck

By: Khadija Husain
Instagram: @_ricochet_