Setting the aGENDA
by Marina coronado
I never understood how setting an agenda could possibly help me until I actually tried it. After most conferences I would end up feeling as if something was missing. Like I had forgotten to share a certain fact, or develop an argument, or show my expertise on an issue. This was because I had no control over the journey that the committee took. However, the truth is that we do have the control, and that is through an agenda.
Us, delegates, always suffer when one of our most well-known topics or sub-issues is not addressed in the committee. This is exactly why Setting the Agenda is an incredibly important skill in order to lead the way of the committee. When you Set the agenda, you are suggesting a set of issues which will be addressed in the committee, an schedule of what will be addressed first. Your delegation will have a stronger stance on particular issues and with an agenda, you have the power to make the committee work in your favor. Setting an Agenda will allow you to be fully involved throughout the conference. In order to set an agenda, it needs to be a approved by the majority of the committee and therefore, it will be applied. However, it is also up to you to prepare a good agenda or have an idea of what you want to propose.
1. Preparing the Agenda
When you prepare your agenda, make a list of all the topics that you want the committee to discuss. You need to be specific with each of these topics and make sure that they are also something which will be worth debating about. While brainstorming on these issues, make sure to also focus on your position and how these topics will benefit the way you lead the committee. Once you have an idea of what are the major topics whic h should be addressed, it’s time for the next step.
2. Organization
Once you have your list ready, a great thing to do would be to order it from highest to lowest importance. Prioritize those that work in favor of your position and will allow you to voice your ideas freely. Sometimes, the chair will need you to specify the amount of time for the moderated caucus and that is up to you in each of the topics which you choose. Your agenda has to be very specific, but also concise.
3. Team Work
Despite the agenda working in your favor, also make sure that it helps your allies and the rest of the bloc. When there are a variety of topics, there is a higher chance that your agenda will be approved because a lot of people want the same topics to be addressed. Therefore, when you make your agenda, do not only think about yourself, but also how others could participate on it.
Motion to Set the Agenda for the issue of “Feeding the world by 2050” as the following;
Population Growth and Control (10Min General, 45 sec per speaker)
Quality of Food and GMOs
Herbicides and Crop Preservation
New techniques and developments for Agriculture
Infrastructure and tools for agricultural sector
By: Marina Coronado
Instagram: @marinacooronado