The participation in Model United Nations (Model UN or MUN) has been one of the most popular activities for high school and college students. There are the hosts of conferences, with numerous teams coming from a wide variety of institutions from all over the world. Each team, each school has their own uniquity and contribute to the conferences in their own way. Does your school have its own team yet? Are you thinking about finding one? The instructions below may answer your questions!
1) Find a group of students who share the same interest
Yes! Friends, network, connection. You win as a team - you lose as a team. Your teammates play a key role in your Model UN career when you decide to participate as delegations.
● Talk to any students who are showing interest in debating, negotiating, or political issues.
● Promote your idea with similar clubs like mock trial or international affairs.
Do not limit yourself by reaching out only to your friends; make new ones too!
2) Find an advisor
This step is extremely important, without advisors, your MUN team is like an athletic team without a coach.
● Reach out to any teachers showing desires in coaching a Model UN team (prior experiences are preferred)
● Explain the meaning and value of Model UN
You ought to take time with finding suitable advisors, since they are the one that are in charge of your team, from coaching to even being your guardian during a conference. Make wise decisions!
3) Get permission from the school
Most schools will have certain requirements regarding starting a club, so double check with your school administrator and meet their needs with your advisor in order for the club to be official!
4) Host the first meeting - recruit more members
This meeting is an introductory, explanatory time for new members to get to know each other and Model UN. Think about how do you want this club to run, interested conferences, election. Create a flyer with brief description and benefits when joining the club to attract more students’ attention. The more, the merrier! Be creative in your strategy, welcoming and persuasive speech.
5) Training and fundraising
After you have recruited members, you better move to your training and fundraising plan. Who is in charge of coaching, beside the advisor? How do you help your teammates improve their performances? What about beginners with no prior experiences? Give yourself an answer to these questions.
Attending conferences, especially out-of-state ones are pricey! Transportation, accommodations, meals, etc. A host of things to take care of and pay for, so using your own money or your parents to afford isn’t a good idea, especially for long-term participation. Be creative in your fundraising plans: baking sales, concession, movie nights, car wash. It’s better than nothing!
However, issues, arguments and challenges are unavoidable:
● Recruitment: personally, you have to love Model UN in order to participate in it. It has discouraged lots of my friends, so follow your heart!
● Keeping up the interest: Yes, extremely struggling! People often quit the club half-way and affect others’ performances, so make sure to run it without boredom! Hold parties, social events after each conferences. Compliments, awards will be a big help towards the team’s effort.
● Expenses: It’s expensive when going as a team. Be wise in fundraising!


By: Anna Le
Instagram: @tranaannaa